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At Everydrop Technologies, we are constantly looking for new industries and applications that would benefit from our patented highly reliable and cost-effective vortex technology in flow meters. In the fertigation industry, it is extremely important that the amount of fertilizer that is applied is carefully monitored and tracked, thereby necessitating the use of a flow meter to accurately fertilize your crop. In the past, these meters utilized paddle and multijet technology that would quickly deteriorate and deviate from the actual fertilizer output, causing erroneous fertilization and a decrease in crop quality. With Everydrop’s Vortex technology, we are able to drastically improve the accuracy of the metering, providing better reliability and a more confident fertilizer process that you and your team can count on. Below is an initial demonstration of how the Everydrop Model 1007-EX meter can help dramatically increase crop yield and quality through accurate, reliable metering, all at a 1/4th of the cost of the competition.

Industry: Cannabis
Client: Ray Witt at Nature’s Medicines
Issue: Failing multi-jet impeller and/or paddle flow meters in fertigation system.


We were contacted by Ray Witt at Nature’s Medicines about the problems he had with multi-jet impeller
and paddle meters’ handling of the chemicals injected into the flow. He reported that these meters would
fail in a matter of months and cost as much as $600. He wanted to test our patented vortex technology in
his fertigation system.

Chemicals used:

Potassium Nitrate Iron EDDHA Monopotassium Phosphate
Calcium Nitrate Miller Microplex Potassium Sulfate
Magnesium Nitrate Magnesium Sulfate Ammonium Sulfate


Concentration of chemicals to water:

Maximum Ec: 3.0

Test Setup:

Our Model 1001-EX battery unit with non-volatile totalizer was connected in series with a multi-jet
impeller meter and a paddle meter. The total number of gallons were recorded by each meter and
theoretically should have stayed the same (within % error spec of meter) across the 3 meters. Instead,
what you see over time is the multi-jet and paddle meters falling behind in the totals.

Plotting performance of comparable fertigation meters over time.

Test results showing the deviation of the MultiJet and Paddle meter over time in comparison to the Everydrop Vortex Fertigation Meter. The plot has been normalized to the Everydrop meter so we only see percent error compared to the Everydrop meter.


As one could theorize, by not having bearings that can wear and/or small passage ways that can become
clogged, the vortex meter outperforms the other meters in very short order. This is also at 1/4th the price
of the multi-jet meter. Nature’s Medicine reports that “The inconsistent values of the inferior meters
throw off the fertilizer concentration in the irrigation system which produces inconsistent nutrition.
With the use of the Everydrop vortex meter, the crop is doing much better.”

Check out our new meter specifically for fertigation purposes at: https://everydropmeters.com/products/model-1007-ex-2-wire-0-1-gallons-pulse-w-display-fertigation/


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