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Model 1004-EX: 1″ Irrigation Flow Meter w/ Display 1”, 2 Wire Irrigation Meter w/ Display
Connects to smart controllers

Installers… get an edge on your competitors by offering the protection of an affordable flowmeter!
Save time/costs by minimal troubleshooting time and having advance warnings to problems that need your attention.


Size: 1”
Flow Range (Indicated): 0.5 to 30 GPM (0.1 GPM resolution)

  • RANGE 1.0 to 20.0 GPM: +/-2% of reading
  • RANGE 20.1 to 30.0 GPM: Usable Over-range; Accuracy Not Guaranteed (~2%)
  • RANGE 0.5 to 0.9 GPM: Leak Detect Range

Update Rate:

  • RANGE 1.0 to 30.0 GPM: 1.5 seconds
  • RANGE 0.5 to 0.9 GPM: < 1 minute (typically 7 seconds)

Pressure Loss at 20GPM: Less than 1.5 psid
Burst Pressure: 350 psi minimum (Meter body)
Operating Temperature: 32 F to 140 F
Construction Materials:

  • Vortex Generator: Stainless Steel
  • Vortex Sensor: EPDM Rubber (wetted surface)
  • Meter Body: ABS (and PVC pipe 6” extension)

LCD Display:

  • Flowrate (GPM): 3 digit, 0.1 GPM resolution
  • Flow Total (Gallons): 8 digit, 0.1 Gallon resolution
  • Alerts: Out of flow range, Leak Detect
  • Auto Reset: 10 Million gallons or power cycle