Special discounts for all batch orders in 2025!

Installers – get your name on our list of Everydrop meter installers. Email us at sales@everydropmeters.com to register and receive more information.

Installers by State


Magaard Irrigation
P: (480)-272-2853
E: info@magaardirrigation.com
W: http://magaardirrigation.com/
Phoenix, AZ


Heritage Landscapes
P: (415)-458-8151
E: david@herlandscapes.com
W: www.heritagelandscapes.net
Marin County, Northern California

Hybrid Lawns
P: (818)-584-6895
E: kurt@hybridlawns.com
W: www.hybridlawns.com
Simi Valley, CA

Landscape and Beyond
P: (760)-877-8739
E: jeff@landscapeandbeyond.com
San Diego, CA

East Bay Sprinkler and Drip
P: (916)-513-4426 (Sacramento)
P: (925)-399-7426 (SF East Bay)
E: eastbaysprinkleranddrip@gmail.com
Sacramento, CA & San Francisco, CA


Bednarik Landscape Irrigation
P: 970-633-0636
E: admin@focosprinklers.com
W: www.focosprinklers.com 
PO Box 1313, Fort Collins, CO 80522


A.L.S. Security Solutions
P: 863-420-2900
E: arthur@alssecuritysolutions.com
W: www.alssecuritysolutions.com
Central Florida

JEF Sprinkler Pump & Well LLC
P: (954)-943-8090
E: jefsprinkler@gmail.com


Grant Irrigation
P: (678)-517-3933
E: grantirrigationrepair@gmail.com
W: grantirrigationrepair.com
Atlanta, GA


316 Property Maintenance
P: (316)-312-9843
E: Greg316PropertyMaintenance@hotmail.com
W: https://www.facebook.com/316PropertyMaintenance/
Wichita, KS


David Bakke – Irrigation Consultant
P: (406)-204-7234
E: davidbakke@globalspanproducts.com
White Sulphur Springs, MT


Ryan Lawn and Tree
P: (918)-240-0400
E: dacegragg@ryanlawn.com
Tulsa, OK

South Carolina

Sq. Roots Property Maintenance LLC
P: (864)-710-1804
E: sq.roots@yahoo.com
Greenville/Anderson, SC


Acer Landscape Management
P: 801-695-4107
E: spencer@acerlm.com
Sandy, Utah

If your state is not on the list, don’t fret! Our meters can be installed by any irrigation specialist. Call your local irrigation company today and let them know you’d like to have our meter installed at your location.